Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Unplanned Planting

Summed up in one picture, the weekend was

Rainy, foggy, wet and cold. Not really the weather to go outside or make a Lord of the Rings tour. or do anything else outside. We basically just relaxed in the warm and cozy Truby King House.

On Saturday evening, we went to a Pub to watch the Rugby game versus South Africa.
Julia, Jakob, Martin, Kat, Tina and Gabi at Murphy's Irish Bar, panorama taken by Johannes

The beer was good, but definately not cheap. I kind of missed Prague, where everyone in our group could get a pint for the price of one here. Oh, Cheap Czechia...
New Zealand won by a landslide, and so the atmosphere in the venue was great. To be honest, I don't care about any kind of sport and never watch football or anything on TV, not even during the Olympics. But it's nice to be able to cheer for a country that actually has chances of winning, unlike our football team.

On Monday, we weeded and planted again. We have planted trees almost every day. I don't mind it, but we all were excited that we would do something else on Tuesday.

These flaxes are guarded against wind, dogs, and people
All the wild turnips we pulled out. You could also eat them.
Today's agenda was to free some trees from grass. No planting, for once. We walked up to the hillside we were supposed to work on. But there...*cue dramatic music* a surprise waited for us. 400 trees. That nobody knew about. A quick call to the office by our team leader revealed that we were indeed planting trees today, again. 
Some local students were coming to help us with the planting, which was nice. Still, digging holes on the same hill as 30 young teen boys reassured my decision to never become a teacher.

Wellington.. We actually had some sun today. As well as rain, of course
Carry plants up the hill, dig a hole in the steep slope, hit a rock, dig somewhere else, plant the tree, walk down the hill. 
Break Time!

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